Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Little Inspiration.

With Labor Day creeping closer, I've begun to daydream about picnics and barbecues all decked out in their red, white and blue glory! Much like the 4th of July, Labor Day is one of those holidays where you simply cannot OD on themed goodness!

Unfortunately, my yard is a complete mess right now as we prepare to install a new patio. A patriotic summer send off is just not in the cards this year. But the more I thought about the incredible party that would never be, I realized that there is a true science to planning a party and if you follow the right formulas you'll end up with something spectacular every time.

It all starts with a little INSPIRATION....

What I would give for this to be my backyard!!!

As summer winds down and families settle back into routine, we all yearn for more gatherings and party season picks up. Stay tuned over the next week or so as I reveal my fail-proof techniques for planning a killer party - no matter how big or small. 

Gotta Start Somewhere...
First things first, scour the inter-webs, magazines, catalogues and cookbooks for inspiration. As you begin to piece together your findings, put them in a binder, pin them to a corkboard or copy and paste them into a Word doc if you're searching online. This is your Inspiration Board (or binder, or file).

DON'T EDIT YOURSELF! Just pick things that catch your eye.  As you build your board you'll find that certain colors, textures and elements repeat themselves. These will be the basis to your planning. 

An inspiration board works for so many things: party planning, decorating your home, planning your style for the upcoming season (great if you're on a budget... find the things you keep coming back to and make those your priority when shopping!). Try it, you'll love it!

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