Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I Love You Pinterest


I recently discovered the joys of Pinterest. I feel a little behind the eight ball since this delightful tool has been around since 2010. But alas, better late than never. 

For those of you who don't use Pinterest, or don't see the purpose of it, let me explain. Pinterest is essentially an organized space of inspiration. For me, a person who loves lists more than most things in life, Pinterest has proven to be invaluable in helping me organize recipes, projects and home decor ideas.  Not only are you given visual reminders through your boards, but the best part is you can link right back to the original website so you never have to search the depths of your brain to remember where you saw that amazing chair or perfect fabric. 

I started pinning while trying to get my thoughts together in planning our Little Peanut's nursery. I certainly have no shortage of ideas, but I needed the ability to dump all my ideas in one visual space and then edit. And Pinterest sure as heck beats the old-school method of magazine clippings tacked to the wall. 

So if you haven't already, JOIN PINTEREST

Also, feel free to follow me!

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